I'd love to hear from any of you about your Mommy Moments! Please comment or email me: jenovesia@gmail.com. I will post them here!
Thank you!
Findley451 I remember a time when my little girl had a pool party for her birthday, she was 6, but because of her height, the water came just up to her chin. (It was one of those pools with the inflatable rim). Once the other kids got in there, abt. 5 kids, they were splashing so much my poor little girl couldn't breath, the water was waving into her face. She just hung onto the ladder for the entire time! We both knew you can't tell the kids to not play, it's a party...She didn't want me to help her, so I just watched. Like you said, "wasn't my moment."
MarĂa Teresa :For me, every moment with my daughters is a Mommy moment! Some are good, some are not as good as I would like. But I remember one, when I was driving to school with my girls. That day I just took a bath & combed my hair, and that was all. My older daughter told me: "I like the way you look without makeup. You look very pretty and natural". She absolutely made my day! xx